понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

epa and osha job resposibilities

Iapos;m sucking at posting and responding to comments.

This weekend was the apos;Great Closet Cleanout of 2008.apos;� I havenapos;t touched my closets since the Boy moved in at the beginning of the year. What that means is there are sweaters and hand washables that accumulate on the floor of the closet due to my procrastination. Then the season changes and I donapos;t need those clothes so the pile grows and grows. I�had a half packed suitcase from when we went to Nashville in August still crammed into my closet. I can practically hear people cringing at my disorganization.

So 2 bags of clothes ready for donation and in a surprising move 36 pairs of shoes.� I went through my shoe closet as well. Yes, I have a shoe closet, yes its gluttonous but it is something of a collection for me. I�donapos;t collect�comic books or trinkets. I collect shoes. When I moved from Tennessee to Arkansas 3.5 years ago I had well over 200 pairs. I�am now down to 115. I�counted. All of them in good condition and wearable. I�realized yesterday I had a ridiculous number of tennis shoes that should have been thrown out long ago, the remnents of my past life as an aerobics instructor. One pair of shoes that will never be thrown out and the oldest pair I�own is the 1993 Air Jordons that I wore briefly for basketball. They have never been worn on pavement and are still in their original box. Love them At some point Iapos;m sure Iapos;ll have to wheedle down to fewer pairs but right now I have the space.

Iapos;m still limping about due to some random knee injury. Iapos;ve got an appointment on Thursday to see what in the world I have done. There was no traumatic event that started it all itapos;s just been getting progressively worse for 3 weeks. Iapos;ve gotten to the point that even swimming hurts so itapos;s definately time to figure it out.�

Iapos;m loving the fall weather we have been getting. Blue, blue skies and 60 degree days. Wonderful. However it is dark when Iapos;m supposed to be hauling my ass out of bed in the morning and that is just wrong. I need to win the lottery so that I donapos;t have to get up before the sun does.

Oh yeah and itapos;s Monday......

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