воскресенье, 12 октября 2008 г.

body soul tattoo

Jerry and Elise are in their early 40s, have been married about 10 years and live it a typical inner-mid-ring suburban neighborhood.� It seems likely that that story will develop around the neighbors living in their culdesac.� This is Jerryapos;s story (or is it?).� Jerry is a custom software developer who works on contract out of his home.� His work requires that he travels fairly extensively during early and late periods of his projects, and then is home for weeks at a time, writing code in his 2nd floor home office.� Being a techie, Jerry has wanted to develop a hobby that takes him out of doors and has always been interested in gardening.� He pokes at it and isnapos;t really motivated by "keeping up with the Jones" and as such does just enough to have a respectable, but not top of the line flower garden.

Elise has a regular 8-5 type job. (and I havenapos;t really gotten a picture of who she is yet)

Church will be something that pops up throughout the story. �Jerry and Elise are nominal Catholics and a fairly typical midwestern Easter Lily/Christmas Cactus couple, going to church only for those feasts.� I believe they will both be influenced to develop their spiritual life somewhat through their interactions with their neighbors.

They donapos;t have any children, and though they would have liked to become parents, they never really did anything serious (medically) about it.� They never got pregnant and were really too busy to even notice.� As a couple, this busyness has pervaded their relationship and they just kinda co-exist -- temptation is ripe to strike, but for whom -- Jerry, Elise, or both?

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